Free AutoCAD Silhouette People


As a part of of our First Year Guide we’ll run through making the simple tasks quick and easy. One of the most common resources are silhouette people for your 2D drawings. To help you on your way we’ve provided a set of .dwg people to get you started. 

Our blocks come with a :

  1. Single layer, no messing up your CAD file with rouge layers

  2. Wipeout set behind them meaning no more endless trimming.

  3. Transparency by block to give your drawings depth. Easily adjust whether the block prints as if it’s in the foreground or background

  4. Consistent level of detail

Meaning that they can go straight into your drawing with no additional effort.


FILL IN THE FORM BELOW FOR YOUR FREE Autocad silhouette people



There are plenty of places you can get free CAD blocks, the problem is they are not drawn to one CAD standard. The level of detail and quality of linework will more than likely be different to what you are after. Often they are a good starting point, it’s just they may need a bit of work prior to being useful.

They’ll come in random layers with random line types which will clutter your CAD file so be sure to clean them up before copying them into your main drawing. Soon we will be putting up a guide with a step by step on how to clean up CAD blocks easily for now here are some of the websites that we use as if we are in need of a specific block for our drawings:

First In Architecture.jpg
Pimp My Drawing.jpg